The YMCA of Southeastern North Carolina partnered with AARP NC - Coastal on Sept. 13, 2019, on a tactical urbanism (TU) project to demonstrate the need for a crosswalk in Southport, N.C., to support a safe, healthy and active community in this popular resort town. The project was funded in part through the NC Alliance of YMCAs 2018-2019 walkability grant from YUSA. This short video highlights the project and how the local community and policymakers were engaged.
Tactical urbanism is a method of illustrating possible solutions to infrastructure challenges impacting safe, walkable community through a low-cost, temporary way. Nine YMCA volunteers and two staff, Bridget Carroll, Community Health Programs Coordinator, and Linda Sweeney, Diabetes Prevention Program Lifestyle Coach and Healthy Heart Ambassador, joined in the work.
According to Ms. Carroll, community members were very positive about the YMCA's involvement in the project and stated that "The YMCA does a lot more than I thought." This was a great way for the Y to engage volunteers and demonstrate our cause to strengthen communities. Ms. Carroll, and staff from several other Ys across the state, will be continuing her involvement in advocating for safe, walkable communities by attending a course on conducting walk audits in November in Winston-Salem, NC, offered by BikeWalk NC.
Learn about another TU project in Asheville, NC from last fall.
(Oct. 3, 2019)