teenagers attending Teen Mental Health First Aid class

Advancing Teen Mental Health Support Together

Youth Development
Since North Carolina Ys launched grant-funded work to support teen mental health last March, the approach has varied across the state with some Ys launching teen programs for the first time and others expanding opportunities for teens. Our Ys meet regularly to share best practices, challenges and wins.
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five teenage girls from New RIver YMCA smile for photo

Y Teens Participate in Mental Health Ambassadors Retreat

Mental Health
Five students from three high schools Onslow County participated in the Connecting the Dots: Teen Mental Health First Aid Ambassador’s Retreat in Wilmington June 20-22 at UNC-Wilmington as part of the New River YMCA’s work around supporting teen mental health through the Alliance’s grant. 
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graphic that says Mental Health is part of our overall health

Mental Health Community Care at the Y

Mental Health
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month in May, the Y is encouraging community members to care for themselves and others.  Mental health is how we think, feel and act. At the Y, we recognize that we all have mental health, and mental health is an important part of our overall health and social-emotional well-being, as well as a core component of our identity. 
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