Community members, Y donors and volunteers, along with town, county, and state leaders gathered with Gaston County Family YMCA staff in Cherryville on March 24 to celebrate the opening of the newly relocated Cherryville Family YMCA. The new location, just a short walk from the branch’s original location, is larger and has room for expansion to meet the growing needs of the community.
Patrick O’Leary, a local developer who owns the new building, provided the Y with the opportunity to capitalize on the new space and renovated the facility to meet the Y’s needs without any capital investment from the Y. O’Leary also provides financial support for the Y in its new location.
“Patrick believes in the Y, its mission, and his community of Cherryville. Great things happen when you partner with others that have the same heart and passion for what we do,” said Sharon Padgett, CEO of the Gaston County YMCA.
She noted the branch, originally founded about 20 years ago, has needed more space for fitness equipment and fitness classes. The new Cherryville Y also features more amenities, such as showers, and an outdoor patio where members can relax.
“We’re honored by the support of our benefactor and other community leaders in helping to provide this state-of-the-art Y facility. There are many hands, minds, hearts and prayers that have gone into the making of this new YMCA. We’re so blessed and grateful, and we’re excited to have an even greater impact for our Cherryville community members,” Padgett said.